Thursday, August 26, 2010

TECHNOLOGY's greatest MARVEL awaited...

Technology has really advanced over a span of few decades. But there's still much to be achieved yet.
No matter what ever is achieved, the human's search for more advancement of technology shall be never ending....Although there are a lot of things which need to be invented, upgraded , and are required for the well being of the humanity, like the cure for CANCER, HIV is still not there, but my own fantasy from childhood has been something different....

As all of us know the WRIGHT BROTHERS invented the Airplane, the Egyptians invented the Ship, Carl Benz and Gottlieb Daimler invented the Car. All of them a unique invention of its own and have great use to the mankind, and infact have become the necessities now....

WHAT IF a combination of all the three above is made ??  Imagine if you are on road at the moment, the other second flying and the very next moment sailing in the water !!!!
Yes, yes I am talking of this unique mechanism only....It would be the greatest invention to the credit of man if anyone achieves this feat.

The built up of the mechanism has to be such that it can be easily transformed into any of the modes of transport within no time and should not be huge until required for specific purposes...

I don't know whether anyone has ever thought about this before but this is the most challenging task for man, and if completed, it has some of its difficulties as well which will be very difficult to address...
If normal people are able to afford this kind of a plane cum car cum ship/boat, then there shall be traffic jams in Air and the chances of accidents will increase manifold....

Technology has its positives and negatives both, 
but if technology is used effectively and in a planned manner for the betterment of society without causing harm to the nature, then only the humanity can benefit from it.
It is just a thought which technology can make it into reality, and if it happens, I think its use should be for better things like Ambulance, Police Patrol, Terrorism check, and other various things of importance...

I hope technology fulfills my this dream (though highly unrealistic) some day.....


  1. this would be great invention....especially with this global warming....when there will a whole lot of water.... :)

  2. Ya, u r absolutely right....we need multipurpose vehicles now..

  3. well
    i also got such an idea taken the immensely increasing traffic jams in to account!
    if this is possible Then it would be amazing
    i too voted for U
